Участник:Роман Сергеевич Сидоров/My education

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I entered Smolensk State University in 2017[1]. From 2017 to 2020, I learnt Latin. I was used to reciting very long passages from the Vulgata. I was quite unable to read Cicero, Varro, various classical Roman poets, just because their wording was too complicated and obscure. My marks were quite good in the very beginning. Say rather, I was honoured with an excellent mark in linguistics by Yulia Nikolarvna Vlasova. In 2018, I began learning French professionally, and, accordingly, I was so successful that my French teacher thought that I should enter one of Moscow universities[2][3]. I studied philosophy, Late Middle English at my university. I read a lot, according to a set of sources. I've been used to reading and rereading Lenin, Plekhanov, Russell[4], and Kant. As for literary productions, I read Walter Scott's "Marmion", "Bridal of Triermain", Shakespeare's "King Lear"[5][6], Christopher Marlow's "Jew of Malta", "Tamburlaine, Part I" in 2018. I was very dissatisfied with the literary productions written by Marlow, so I didn't finish reading Marlow's "Hero and Leander". In my early university days, I used Kachalova/s grammar for learning English grammar. Nowadays I don't use this textbook very often because this grammar is very different from modern English grammar.

My condition was rather burdensome at Smolensk State University. I suffered from sleepless nights quite often, so my health was greatly damaged at university. My former groupmates were extremely cunning and tricky. Their health wasn't as poor as that of mine, so their life wasn't so unbearable. The thing is that my ability not to sleep in the course was much weaker than that of my former groupmates.

My behaviour in my early university years was rather artificial because I preferred using "you" stead of "thou" while talking to my groupmates. In 2019, Vladislav Alekseevich Prokhorenkov became an exception. I was his friend till March, 2020. Vlad's views on teaching foreign languages, his sympathies to teaching Latin at university were very regressive and partially reactionary. Vlad was quite incompetent in terms of estimating my French and English pronunciation, though he admitted that I'm much more skilled than the most of my groupmates, except Ira (Irina Pavlovna Moiseenkova).

In 2018 I created my main account in otvet.mail.ru[7].

In 2019, Ksenya Alekseevna Pavinskaya asked me how to master English. She pointed out that I was quite speedy in speaking English. I gave her very stupid and useless pieces of advices, so she didn't follow them. In the same year, I read the recollections written by Georgy Georgievich Silnitsky, the professor who taught at Smolensk State University. Silnisky was a white immigrant. He wrote that his father was arrested in the fifties or in the end of forties. so his political and philosophical views were pretty antisovietic and anticommunistic. In 2021, I attempted to delete the Wikipedian article about his shameful biography, but Wikipedians, defending reactionary obscurantism, rejected my suggestion[8].

In the very beginning of 2020, I was used to buying very old English grammars (Kachalova, Novitskaya) and giving them to my groupmates and coursemates. I printed quite a lot in 2019, so I gave some of my printed novels to Svetlana Yurievna Galchenkova, my groupmate. All these grammars describe classical English grammar, so the order of rules is quite obsolete. The grammars describe very artificial and rare types of Complex Object, to say nothing of totally useless tenses, like Future Perfect Continous. In the same year, I wrote a booklet about Belayeva's Kachalova's and Novitskaya's grammars but I burnt the written pages because there was a coup d'etat in my viewpoint, in general. From April, 2020, I stopped praising and recommending all the classical grammars. In 2020, I condemned using classical novels in teaching English, focusing on the minute things in English grammar, ignoring the importance of accent reduction in professional education. My break with all the reactionary obscurantists of my former university led to the war with them.

In September, 2020, my father and I talked to Lyudmila Yurievna Mastykina, Olga Ivanovna Osavoluk, the deputy of dean, Valentina Sergeevna Kovaleva. The conversation was full of attacks on my personality, so it was insanely hard to behave myself. Osavoluk didn't acknowledged that all the students of faculty had been suffering from the immense size of hometask. However, Mastykina babbled out in the coversation. She said that she was unable to detect American trais in my former English pronunciation, although my accent in this period was rather r-cloured.

In 2020, I stopped studying at Smolensk State University because of the conflict between the bosses of faculty, including the deputy of dean, Vakorina, Mastykina. The point is that the system of online-education in Smolensk State University had been malfunctioning, so I was quite unable to study in the course of quaranteen. In 2022, I was allowed to resume studying at university, though my health was the main obstacle.

In 2020, I organised an individual petty bourheois revolt against Lyudmila Yuryevna Mastykina, my former university teacher. The thing is that she was uses to terrorising all the students, including myself, with totally useless home reading, so in 2020 I stopped obeying her in the course of her class. Arina Starovoytova, my groupmate, quarrelled with me because of my uprising. Galchenkova tried to make Starovoytova compose herself, but it was evident that Galchenkova herself tried to hide away her real emotions. I'm not trying to say that Galchenkova is totally double-faced, but she became one of Mastykina's favourite students in 2020. She criticised Anna Korolkova very often, though.

Almost all my university teachers were quite illiterate, dopey, dotty and ignorant. There were exceptions, though. As for English professors, all of them were absolutely incompetent in terms of English phonology. Their accents were partially rhotic and partially non non-rhotic. Their illiteracy was so great that Mastykina, the boss of English chair, was totally unable to differ rhotic General American from non-rhotic British English. All the English teachers have been using Arakin's textbook, so they're just drags on their students.


  1. Войдите на Facebook (рус.). Проверено 5 марта 2023.
  2. Ответы Mail.ru: Иностранные языки для изучения. (рус.). Проверено 20 февраля 2023.
  3. Роман Сидоров (англ.). Проверено 23 февраля 2023.
  4. Что такое коммунистическая теория? | Политштурм | VK (англ.). Проверено 25 марта 2023.
  5. Ответы Mail.ru: Употребляется ли сегодня английское слово long-ingraffed в значении habitual? (рус.). Проверено 18 февраля 2023.
  6. Ответы Mail.ru: Что такое round-wombed? Не могу найти... (рус.). Проверено 18 февраля 2023.
  7. Ответы Mail.ru: Страница пользователя Роман Сергеевич Сидоров (рус.). Проверено 12 февраля 2023.
  8. Википедия:К удалению/26 апреля 2021 (рус.) // Википедия. — 2022-01-20.