Циклопедия:Списки:Награждённые Национальной медалью науки США - Биологические науки

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1966 Ниплинг, Эдвард[en] Министерство сельского хозяйства США
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For outstanding original contributions involving unique biological approaches to the control of insect vectors responsible for diseases of humans, domesticated animals, and plants
Роуз, Уильям Камминг[en] Иллинойсский университет в Урбане-Шампейне
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For the discovery of the essential amino acid threonine and for the subsequent brilliant studies elucidating the qualitative and quantitative amino acid requirements of man and of animals
1967 Коул, Кеннет Стюарт[en] Национальные институты здравоохранения США
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For highly original experimental and theoretical investigations of the electrical properties of biological membranes that have led to a deep understanding of the functioning of nerves
Майкл Гейдельбергер[en] Нью-Йоркский университет
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For placing the science of immunology on a quantitative chemical basis, and for showing its power to reveal the structure of molecules found in the living organism
1968 Баркер, Хорас[en] Калифорнийский университет в Беркли
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For his profound study of the chemical activities of microorganisms, including the unraveling of fatty acid metabolism and the discovery of the active coenzyme form of vitamin B12
Броди, Бернард[en] Национальные институты здравоохранения США
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For pioneering new qualitative concepts which have revolutionized the development, the study, and the effective use of therapeutic agents in the treatment of human disease
Лаш, Джей Лоуренс[en] Университет штата Айова
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For bringing the science of genetics to bear upon animal breeding, and thus helping to remould the flocks and herds of America and Western Europe
1969 Хьюбнер, Роберт[en] Национальные институты здравоохранения США
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For contributions to the modern understanding of the biology of viruses and their role in the induction of diverse diseases
1974 Ченс, Бриттон[en] Пенсильванский университет
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For his contributions to our knowledge of cellular and subcellular physiology made through work on enzyme-substrate complexes, on the kinetics of enzyme action, and on the mechanism and control of membrane-bound electron transfer during cellular respiration
Джеймс Огастин Шэннон[en] Рокфеллеровский университет
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For outstanding leadership in biomedical research following an earlier career in distinguished laboratory investigation of kidney function and antimalarial drugs
1975 Фогель, Орвилл[en] Вашингтонский государственный университет[en]
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For outstanding contributions to agronomic research including the development of radically new and improved semidwarf varieties of wheat that now grow on five continents and have made the green revolution a reality
Дэвис, Хэллоуэлл[en] Университет Вашингтона в Сент-Луисе
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For fundamental research on nerve potentials, electroencephalography, and mechanisms of hearing that have formed the basis for advances in neurophysiology, neurology, otolaryngology, audiology, acoustics, occupational health safety, and pediatrics
Дьёрдь, Пауль[en] Пенсильванский университет
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For his discovery of three vitamins and related research that have greatly improved human nutrition
Стерлинг, Браун Хендрикс[en] Министерство сельского хозяйства США
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For the initiation of basic research in the physical and chemical properties of soils and proteins that have profoundly influenced agricultural practices and the production of food plants
1976 Портер, Кейт Робертс[en] Колорадский университет в Боулдере
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For fundamental contributions to the elucidation of the fine structure of cells by electron microscopy, which has inaugurated a new era of cell biology integrating structure and function into a comprehensive picture of the life of cells
Рэкер, Эфраим[en] Корнеллский университет
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For major contributions to understanding the subcellular mechanism whereby oxidative and photosynthetic energy is transformed into the specific form of chemical energy used by living cells
1979 Стадтман, Эрл Рис[en] Национальные институты здравоохранения США
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For seminal contributions to understanding of the energy metabolism of anaerobic bacteria and for elucidation of major mechanisms whereby the rates of metabolic processes are finely matched to the requirements of the living cell
Кросби, Элизабет[en] Мичиганский университет
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For outstanding contributions to comparative and human neuroanatomy and for the synthesis and transmission of knowledge of the entire nervous system of the vertebrate phylum
Вайс, Пауль Альфред[en] Рокфеллеровский университет
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For outstanding contributions to cell biology and understanding of the development of the nervous system including the basis for surgical repair of injury to peripheral nerves
1981 Хэндлер, Филип[en] Национальная академия наук США
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For his outstanding contributions to biochemical research, resulting in significant contributions to mankind, including research that led to a clearer understanding of pellagra, and for his national leadership in furthering the state of American science
1982 Бартон, Гленн[en] Министерство сельского хозяйства США
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For outstanding contributions to the biological sciences that have helped to feed the hungry, protect and beautify the environment, and provide recreation for millions
Кон, Милдред[en] Пенсильванский университет
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For pioneering the use of stable isotopic tracers and nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy in the study of the mechanisms of enzymatic catalysis
1983 Бахрак, Говард[en] Министерство сельского хозяйства США
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For his pioneering research in molecular virology, including identification of the immunizing protein, and his collaborative role in the use of gene splicing to produce the first effective protein vaccine for use in animals or humans
Шаррер, Берта[en] Медицинский колледж Альберта Эйнштейна[en]
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For her pioneering contributions to establishing the concept of neurosecretion and the demonstration of the central role of neurosecretion and neuropeptides in the integration of animal function and development
Рулофс, Уэнделл[en] Корнеллский университет
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For his fundamental contributions to basic and applied biology in the field of insect pheromones, their chemical composition and blends, their biosysnthesis, how insects perceive and respond to them, and their use in insect pest management
1986 Стайц, Джоан[en] Йельский университет
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For her major contributions to the basic molecular biology of bacterial and mammalian cells. Her discovery of at least six new components of the cellular machinery is an accomplishment of great distinction in both basic molecular biology and in the clinical treatment of autoimmune disease
Хендерсон, Доналд[en] Университет Джонса Хопкинса
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For his leading role as chief architect and implementer of the World Health Organization’s successful global eradication of smallpox
1988 Хиллеман, Морис[en] Мерк и Ко
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For his brilliant discoveries in basic research and ingenious inventiveness in creating vaccines that are the foundation for control of infectious diseases through immunologic intervention, preventing death and disability in millions of persons worldwide
1989 Вуд, Гарланд Гофф[en] Университет Кейс Вестерн Резерв
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For his pioneering work on the biochemistry of CO2 fixation, for major contributions to medical education, and for leadership in biochemistry at the national and international levels
1990 Натан, Дэвид[en] Гарвардский университет
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For his contributions to the understanding of the pathophysiology, diagnosis and treatment of thalassemia; for his contributions to the understanding of disorders of red cell permeability; for his contributions to the understanding of the regulation of erythropoiesis; and for his contributions to the raining of a generation of hematologists and oncologists
1991 Эйвери, Мэри Эллен[en] Гарвардский университет
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For her discovery of the major cause of respiratory distress syndrome of premature infants and the straegies for treatment and prevention
Скуг, Фольке Карл[en] Висконсинский университет в Мадисоне
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For his pioneering work on plant hormones, including discovery of cyotkinins (a major class), chemical induction of organ formation and regulation of morphogenesis in plants, and contributions to the development of plant tissue culture as an experimental technique of fundamental importance in biotechnology
Замечник, Пол Чарльз[en] Висконсинский университет в Мадисоне
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For his pioneering research of protein biosynthesis, opening the door to biochemical attack, and paving the way for dissection of the genetic code; and for introducing the concept and method of antisense DNA as an approach to viral gene inhibition and chemotherapy
Кейтс, Роберт[en] Брауновский университет
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For his fundamental contributions to the understanding of natural and man-made hazards, global environmental change, and the prevalence and persistence of world hunger
Кабат, Элвин Эбрахам[en] Колумбийский университет
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For his seminal contributions in the field of immunology, and for bringing the field to its present prominence
Маркс, Пол[en] Мемориальный онкологический центр имени Слоуна — Кеттеринга
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For his contribution to hematology in defining the genetic basis for G6PD deficiency and thalassemia, and discovery of an approach to control cancer cell proliferation with new inducers of differentiation
1993 Саломе Глюкзон—Уэлш[en] Медицинский колледж Альберта Эйнштейна[en]
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For her lifetime of work on developmental genetics, providing a large body of knowledge on the study of mammalian genetics
1994 Нойфельд, Элизабет[en] Калифорнийский университет в Лос-Анджелесе
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For her contributions to the understanding of the lysosomal storage diseases, demonstrating the strong linkage between basic and applied scientific investigation
2001 Бас, Джордж[en] Техасский университет A&M
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For pioneering ocean technology and creating a new branch of scholarship, nautical archaeology, thereby providing new knowledge of the histories of economics, technology, and literacy
Ликенс, Джин[en] Институт исследований экосистем[en]
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For his discovery of acid rain in North America and his sustained leadership in developing the fields of ecology and ecosystem science
Маккьюзик, Виктор[en] Университет Джонса Хопкинса
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For basic and applied contributions to the founding of medical genetics and the human genome project
2003 Снайдер, Соломон[en] Университет Джонса Хопкинса
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For his major contributions to the understanding of neurotransmitters, their receptors in the nervous system, mechanisms of action of psychoactive drugs, and pathways of signal transduction in the brain
2006 Страйер, Люберт[en] Стэнфордский университет
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For his pioneering application of fluorescence spectroscopy, and particularly fluorescence resonance energy transfer, to the analysis of biological macromolecules; he elucidated the biochemical basis of signal amplification in vision and pioneered the development of high density micro-arrays for genetic analysis («gene chips»). His influential biochemistry textbook has influenced and inspired millions of students
2007 О'Мэлли, Берт[en] Медицинский колледж Бэйлора[en]
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For his pioneering work on the molecular mechanisms of steroid hormone action and hormone receptors and coactivators, which has had a profound impact on our knowledge of steroid hormones in normal development and in diseases, including cancer
2008 Фукс, Илэйн[en] Рокфеллеровский университет
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For her pioneering use of cell biology and molecular genetics in mice to understand the basis of inherited diseases in humans and her outstanding contributions to our understanding of the biology of skin and its disorders, including her notable investigations of adult skin stem cells, cancers, and genetic syndromes
2010 Бринстер, Ральф[en] Пенсильванский университет
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For his fundamental contributions to the development and use of transgenic mice. His research has provided experimental foundations and inspiration for progress in germline genetic modification in a range of species, which has generated a revolution in biology, medicine, and agriculture
2011 Чизхолм, Сэлли[en] Массачусетский технологический институт
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For contributions to the discovery and understanding of the dominant photosynthetic organisms in the ocean, promotion of the field of microbial oceanography, and influence on marine policy and management
Шапиро, Люси[en] Стэнфордский университет
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For the pioneering discovery that the bacterial cell is controlled by an integrated genetic circuit functioning in time and space that serves as a systems engineering paradigm underlying cell differentiation and ultimately the generation of diversity in all organisms
2013 Джейн, Рейкш[en] Гарвардская медицинская школа
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For pioneering research at the interface of engineering and oncology, including tumor microenvironment, drug delivery and imaging, and for groundbreaking discoveries of principles leading to the development and novel use of drugs for treatment of cancer and non-cancerous diseases
2014 Фолкоу, Стэнли[en] Орегонский университет
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For his monumental contributions toward understanding how microbes cause disease and resist the effects of antibiotics, and for his inspiring mentorship that created the field of molecular microbial pathogenesis