Давид Навон

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Давид Навон

ивр. דוד נבון
Дата рождения
Место рождения
Тель-Авив, Подмандатная Палестина

Давид Навон (англ. David Navon, ивр. דוד נבון) — израильский учёный, профессор психологии в Университете Хайфы[1].


Родился в 1943 году в Тель-Авиве.

Получил степени бакалавра и магистра в Еврейском университете в Иерусалиме и степень доктора психологии в Калифорнийском университете в Сан-Диего.

С 1975 года преподает когнитивную психологию в университете Хайфы, где в 1984 году был назначен профессором.

В 1992 году получил Премию Израиля и был избран членом АН Израиля.

Автор более 80 публикаций.


  • Navon, D. Irrelevance of figural identity for resolving ambiguities in apparent motion. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 1976, 2, 130—138.
  • Navon, D. Forest before trees: The precedence of global features in visual perception. Cognitive Psychology, 1977, 9, 353—383.
  • Navon, D., & Gopher, D. On the economy of the human processing system. Psychological Review, 1979, 86, 214—255. (Also in S. Maital and S. Maital (Eds.), Economics and Psychology, Cheltenham, U.K.: Edward Elgar).
  • Navon, D. The forest revisited: more on global precedence. Psychological Research, 1981, 43, 1-32.
  • Navon, D., & Norman, J. Does global precedence really depend on visual angle? Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 1983, 9, 955—965.
  • Navon, D. Resources — a theoretical soup stone? Psychological Review, 1984, 91, 216—234.
  • Navon, D., & Miller, J. The role of outcome conflict in dual-task interference. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 1987, 13, 435—448.
  • Navon, D. The importance of being visible: On the role of attention in a mind viewed as an anarchic intelligence system: I. Basic tenets. The European Journal of Cognitive Psychology, 1989, 1, 191—213. II. Application to the field of attention. The European Journal of Cognitive Psychology, 1989, 1, 215—238.
  • Navon, D. Testing a queue hypothesis for the processing of global and local information. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 1991, 120, 173—189.
  • Navon, D. Does attention serve to integrate features? Psychological Review, 1990, 97, 453—459.
  • Navon, D., & Ehrlich, B. Illusory conjunctions: Does inattention really matter? Cognitive Psychology, 1995, 29, 59-83.
  • Navon, D. The puzzle of mirror reversal: A view from Clockland (a target article). Psycoloquy, 2001, 12(17).
  • Navon, D., & Miller, J. Queuing or sharing? A critical evaluation of the single-bottleneck notion. Cognitive Psychology, 2002, 44, 193—251.
  • Navon, D. What does a compound letter tell the psychologist’s mind? Acta Psychologica, 2003, 14, 273—309.
  • Navon, D. The importance of being conservative: Some reflections on human Bayesian behavior. The British Journal of Mathematical and Statistical Psychology, 1978, 31, 33-48.
  • Navon, D. On a conceptual hierarchy of time, space and other dimensions. Cognition, 1978, 6, 223—228.
  • Navon, D., & Shimron, J. Does word naming involve grapheme-to-phoneme translation? Evidence from Hebrew. Journal of Verbal Learning and Verbal Behavior, 1981, 20, 97-109.
  • Navon, D. How critical is the accuracy of an eyewitness' memory? Another look at the issue of lineup diagnosticity. Journal of Applied Psychology, 1990, 75, 506—510.
  • Navon, D. Selection of lineup foils by similarity to the suspect is likely to misfire. Law and Human Behavior, 1992, 16, 575—593.
  • Navon, D. The paradox of driving speed limit: Two adverse effects on highway accident rate. Accident analysis and Prevention, 2003, 35, 361—367.
