Анат Барнеа

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Анат Барнеа

ענת ברנע
ענת ברנע לסקר.jpg
Дата рождения
16 апреля 1949 года
Место рождения
Ягур, Израиль

Анат Барнеа (Ласкер) (англ. Anat Barnea, ивр. ענת ברנע (לסקר)) — израильский нейробиолог[1].


Родилась в 1949 году в кибуце Ягур.

Училась в Тель-Авивском университете и защитила докторскую диссертацию по нейрофизиологии в Технионе.

С 1993 году в течении 18 лет преподавала в педагогическом колледже Гордона в Хайфе.

Является одним из основателей компании BioEye.

Область её исследований — электрическая активность мозга при некоторых заболеваниях и неспособности к обучению.

Замужем, имеет троих сыновей.


  • Cohen, D., Granot, R., Barnea, A., and Pratt, H. (1993) Cognitive meanings of musical elements as disclosed by ERP and verbal experiments. Music Perception 11(2): 153–184.
  • Barnea, A., Pratt, H., and Lamm, O.(1994) Brain potentials from dyslexic children recorded during short-term memory tasks. International Journal of Neuroscience 74(1–4): 227–237.
  • Barnea. A., Granot, R., and Pratt, H. (1994) Absolute pitch—Electrophysiological evidence. International Journal of Psychophysiology 16:29–38.
  • Cohen, D., Mendel, J., Pratt,H., and Barnea.A (1994) Response to intervals as revealed by brainwave measurement and verbal means. Journal Of New Music Research, Number 3, September 1994.
  • Barnea, A., (1994) ERPs as a tool for cognitive research. Israeli Journal of Occupational Therapy 3(2): H55–H66.
  • Barnea, A., and Breznitz, Z. (1998) Phonological and orthographic processing of Hebrew words: Electrophysiological aspects. Journal of Genetic Psychology 159(4): 492–504.
  • Barnea, A. Rassis, A & Zaidel, E (2005) Effect of neurofeedback on hemispheric word recognition. Brain and Cognition, 59, 314-321.
  • Zaidel, E., Barnea,A (2006) Symposium IV: Quantitative EEG and Neurofeedback Brain and Cognition, 60, 329-330.
  • D.J Greene, A. Barnea; K. Herzberg; A. Rassis; M. Neta; A. Raz; Eran Zaidel . (2007) Measuring Attention in the Hemispheres: The Lateralized Attention Network Test (LANT). Brain and Cognition, 66 (1), 21-31.
  • A. Hill, A. Barnea, K. Hertzberg, A. Rassis-Ariel, S. Rotem, Y. Meltzer, E. Zaidel (2008) . Measuring and modulating hemispheric attention. Chapter 7 in F. Aboitiz and D. Cosmelii (eds) From attention to goal –directed behavior. Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2009
  • Rolnick, Gal, Bassett and Barnea (April 2016) The Contribution of Biofeedback in the Treatment of Anxiety Disorders in MS Schwartz, F. Andrasik. Biofeedback, A Practioner's Guide, 4th Edition. Press, New York 2011
  • Barnea, A, Bandel E., & E. Zaidel. (Unpublished manuscript) The development of hemispheric control of attention.
  • Barnea, A., Bandel E., & Zaidel, E.. (Unpublished manuscript) Hemispheric control of attention in children with ADHD.
  • Barnea, A., E. Mooshagian, and E. Zaidel ( Unpublished manuscript). The development of hemispheric specialization and intrehemispheric interaction in Hebrew.
  • Barnea, A. Rassis, A. Raz, S. Othmer & E. Zaidel (2004). Effects of neurofeedback on hemispheric attention networks. Brain and Cognition. In Press.
  • Hochman EY, Eviatar Z., Barnea A., Zaaroor M., Zaidel E. (2011). Hemispheric integration is critical for intact error processing. Neuropsychologia, 49, 1816-1823.
  • Rozengurt, R.; Barnea, A.; Reiner M (2011) Enhancement of learning with EEG neurofeedback. ,. vol. 500 July, 2011. p. e49
  • Reiner, M, Rozengurt, R, Barnea, A (2013) Better than sleep: Theta neurofeedback training accelerates memory consolidation. Biological Psychology Nov 7. pii: S0301-0511(13)00221-4.
  • Roman Rozengurt, Anat Barnea, and Daniel A. Levy (2016) Theta EEG Neurofeedback Benefits Early Consolidation of Motor Sequence Learning. Psychophysiology April 2016
