Рахель Галон

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Рахель Галон

ивр. רחל גלון
Professor Rachel Galun.II.jpg
Дата рождения
3 апреля 1926 года
Место рождения
Тель-Авив, Подмандатная Палестина

Рахель Галон (Рахель Галун, англ. Rachel Galun, ивр. רחל גלון) — израильский энтомолог, профессор отдела паразитологии медицинского факультета Еврейского университета в Иерусалиме[1].


Рахель Рабинович родилась 3 апреля 1926 года в Тель-Авиве в семье Иехуды Рабиновича, потомка Баала Шема Това.

Летом 1943 года поступила на учёбу в Еврейский университет в Иерусалиме. При этом 2 года жила в доме Хамды Бен-Иегуды, вдовы Элиэзера Бен-Иегуды, и была её секретарём. 2 года училась на биологическом факультете на горе Скопус, а затем отправилась учиться в области сельскохозяйственных исследований в Реховот.

В 1947 году получила степень магистра по сельскохозяйственной науке.

Во время учёбы в Еврейском университете познакомилась с Арье Галоном, и в мае 1948 года они поженились.

Через несколько месяцев после свадьбы она была призвана в АОИ. Её отправили офицером в Инженерный корпус Израиля.

В 1948—1952 годах — медицинский энтомолог в АОИ.

В 1950 году перешла в Научный корпус АОИ, где она изучала физиологию москитов — переносчиков трансмиссивных болезней.

В 1953—1955 годах со своим мужем занимались над докторской степенью в Университете штата Иллинойс в Урбане, штат Иллинойс, её муж занимался на химика, а она — на энтомолога. В своей докторской диссертации, защищённой в 1955 году, показывала, что домашние мухи могут растворять лактозу и ощущать её сладость.

В 1956—1978 годах возглавляла энтомологический отдел Израильского института биологических исследований.

В 1962 году стала одним из основателей Израильского энтомологического общества.

В 1965—1972 годах преподавала физиологию насекомых в отделе биологии Тель-Авивского университета в звании доцента; В 1969 году начала преподавать в Медицинском школе Тель-Авивского университета.

В 1974—1975 годах — приглашенный профессор в медицинской школе Техниона.

С 1977 года — профессор Еврейского университета.

В 1978—1982 годах возглавляла кафедру зоологии Еврейского университета.

В 1985 году перешла в Департамент паразитологии Медицинской школы Хадасса Еврейского университета, в 1987—1993 годах возглавляла Институт микробиологии на медицинском факультете.

В 1996 году вышла в отставку в должности профессора-эмерита.

Но продолжила трудиться в Институте океанографии Израиля.

В 1997—2000 годах — региональный директор израильско-египетского научного сотрудничества в рамках израильского академического центра в Каире, который работает при АН Израиля.

В 2002—2006 годах опубликовала более 50 популярных научных статей по энтомологии в журнале для молодых учёных.

Всего написала более 170 статей в научных журналах, сфера исследований — комары и другие двукрылые, блохи, клещи, пиявки и т. д., эктопаразиты, переносчики инфекционных болезней.

Со своим мужем Ари Галоном, директором химической компании и профессором химии в Университете им. Бен-Гуриона, умершим в 1995 году, имеет двоих детей (сын, д-р Эяль Галон, гинеколог, и дочь Мерав Ахисар, профессор нейробиологии в психологическом отделении Еврейского университета, профессор нейронауки в Институте Вейцмана).


  • 1) Wolfinson, M. and Galun, R. A method for determining the flight range of Aedes aegypti (Linn.). Bull. Res. Counc. Israel II: 433-436, 1953.
  • 2) Galun, R. and Fraenkel, G. Physiological effects of carbo- hydrates in the nutrition of the mosquito Aedes aegypti and two flies, Sarcophage bullata and Musca domestica. J. Cell and Comp. Physiol. 50: 1-23, 1957.
  • 3) Bar-Zeev, M. and Galun, R. A mosquito-tight cage. Mosquito News 20: 116-318, 1960.
  • 4) Galun, R. and Dickstein, S. A simple manometer for pressure measurement in a small confined space. Laboratory Practice, p. 862, 1960.
  • 5) Galun, R. The effect of low oxygen tension on adult mosquitoes. Proc. XIth Int. Congr. Entomology I: 700, Vienna, 1960.
  • 6) Galun, R. Respiration of decapitated mosquitoes. Nature 185: 391-392, 1960.
  • 7) Bar-Zeev, M. and Galun, R. A magnetic method of separating mosquito pupae from larvae. Mosquito News 21: 225-228.
  • 8) Galun, R. and Fraenkel, G. The effect of low atmospheric pressure on adult Aedes aegypti and on housefly pupae. J. Ins. Physiol. 7: 161-175, 1961.
  • 9) Galun, R. The ecological aspects of insects respiration. Hateva Vehaarez 3: 157-162, 1961 (Hebrew).
  • 10) Galun, R. On insects and cloth. Hateva Vehaarez 5: 27-31, 1962 (Hebrew).
  • 11) Bat-Miriam, M. and Galun, R. The effects of age and sex on the respiration of mosquitoes. Ent. Exp. & Appl. 5: 244-248, 1962.
  • 12) Galun, R., Avidor, Y. and Bar-Zeev, M. Feeding responses in Aedes aegypti: Stimulation by ATP. Science 142: 1674-1675, 1963.
  • 13) Galun, R. and Kindler, S. Glutathione as inducer of feeding in ticks. Science 147: 166-167, 1965.
  • 14) Galun, R. and Kindler, S. Chemical specificity in the feeding response of Hirudo medicinalis. Comp. Biochem. Physiol. 17: 69-73, 1966.
  • 15) Galun, R. Feeding stimulants of the rat flea Xenopsylla cheopis Roth. Life Sci. 3: 1335-1342, 1966.
  • 16) Galun, R. and Kindler, S. Synergism between glutathione and glucose in the feeding response of ticks. Proc. of the 6th Meeting of Israel Assoc. Adv. Sci. 72, Tel Aviv, 1966.
  • 17) Galun, R. Feeding stimuli and artificial feeding. Bull. Wld. Hlth. Org. 36: 590-593, 1967.
  • 18) Galun, R., Warburg, M. and Avivi, A. Studies on the application of the sterility method in the tick Ornithodoros tholozani. Ent. Exp. Apl. 10: 143-152, 1967.
  • 19) Galun, R., Warburg, M. and Avivi, A. The use of steriliz- ation in the control of Ornithodoros tholozani ticks. WHO Seminar on the ecology, biology and control of ticks and mites of public health importance, pp. 217-221, Geneva 1967.
  • 20) Ailam, G. and Galun, R. Optimal sex ratio for the control of insects by the sterility method. Ann. Ent. Soc. Amer. 60: 41-43, 1967.
  • 21) Galun, R. and Warburg, M. Studies on reproductive physiology of the tick Ornithodoros tholozani: The effect of mating on oogenesis. Acta Soc. Zool. Bohemoslov. 31: 329-334, 1967.
  • 22) Galun, R. and Kindler, S. Chemical basis of feeding in the tick Ornithodoros tholozani. J. Ins. Phys. 14: 1409-1421, 2968.
  • 23) Avivi, A., Galun, R. and Warburg, M. Rearing and irradiation of the tick Ornithodoros tholozani. IAEA panel proc: Radiation, radioisotopes and rearing methods in the control of insect pests. pp. 3-7, Vienna, 1968.
  • 24) Galun, R. and Warburg, M. Irradiation effects on respiration and blood digestion in the tick Ornithodoros tholozani, and its importance for the sterile male technique. IAEA Symp. Proc. Isotopes and Radiation in Entomology, pp. 249-55, Vienna, 1968.
  • 25) Galun, R. and Kindler, S. Regulation of feeding in leeches. Experientia 24: 1140, 1968.
  • 26) Galun, R. and Margalit, J. Adenine nucleotides as feeding stimulants of the tsetse fly Glossina austeni. Nature 222: 583-584, 1969.
  • 27) Galun, R., Kosower, E. and Kosower, N.S. Effect of methyl phenyldiazen carboxylate on the feeding behaviour of blood sucking invertebrates. Nature 224: 181-182, 1969.
  • 28) Galun, R. and Margalit, J. Artificial feeding and feeding stimuli of the tsetse fly Glossina austeni. Proc. 1st Symp. on breeding tsetse fly in the laboratory and its practical application. pp. 211-220, Lisbon, April, 1970.
  • 29) Galun, R. and Margalit, J. Some properties of ATP receptors of Glossina austeni. Trans. Roy. Soc. Trop. Med. Hyg. 64: 171-174, 1970.
  • 30) Galun, R. The function of various attractants in the behaviour of blood sucking insects. Bryuth Hatsibur 13: 54-56, 1970 (Hebrew).
  • 31) Galun, R. Recent development in the biochemistry and feeding behaviour of hematophagous arthropods as applied to their mass rearing. IAEA Symp. Proc.: Sterility principle for insect control or eradication, pp. 273-282, Athens, 1971.
  • 32) Gothilf, S., Galun, R. and Bar-Zeev, M. Taste reception in the Mediterranean fruit fly: electrophysiological and behavioral studies. J. Ins. Phys. 17: 1371-1384, 1971.
  • 33) Galun, R. and Rice, M.J. The role of blood platelets in haematophagy. Nature 233: 110-111, 1971.
  • 34) Sternberg, S. and Galun, R. Competitiveness of irradiated males of the tick Argas persicus. Proc. 9th Meeting of the Israel Ass. Adv. Sci. 115, Haifa 1971 (Hebrew).
  • 35) Margalit, J. and Galun, R. Feeding behaviour of the tsetse fly. Ibid. 116, Haifa 1971 (Hebrew).
  • 36) Galun, R. Chemical factors controlling the feeding process of blood sucking parasites. Isr. J. Chem. 9: 42 BC, 1971.
  • 37) Braverman, Y., Boreham, P.F.L. and Galun, R. Bloods meals of female Culicoides pallidipenis trapped in sheepfolds in Israel. J. Med. Ent. 8: 379-381, 1971.
  • 38) Galun, R. and Rice M.H. Phagostimulation with blood platelets. Trans. Roy. Soc. Trop. Med. Hyg. 66: 312, 1972.
  • 39) Margalit, J., Galun, R. and Rice, M.J. Mouthpart sensilla of the tsetse fly and their function. I. Feeding patterns. Ann. Trop. Med., Paras. 66: 525-566, 1972.
  • 40) Leahy, M.J. and Galun, R. Effect of mating on oogensis and oviposition in the tick Argas persicus. Parasit. 65: 167-178, 1972.
  • 41) Galun, R., Sternberg, S. and Mango, C. The use of sterile females for the control of the tick Argas persicus. Israel J. Ent. 7: 109-116, 1972.
  • 42) Rice, M.J., Galun, R. and Margalit, J. Mouthpart sensilla of the tsetse fly and their function. II. Labial sensilla. Ann. Trop. Med. Paras. 67: 101-107, 1973.
  • 43) Rice, M.J., Galun, R. and Margalit, J. Mouthpart sensilla of the tsetse fly and their function. III. Labial sensilla. Ann. Trop. Med. Paras. 67: 109-116, 1973.
  • 44) Sternberg, S., Peleg, B. and Galun, R. Effect of irradiation on mating competitiveness of the male tick Argas persicus. J. Med. Ent. 10: 137-142, 1973.
  • 45) Rice, M., Galun, R. and Finlayson, L. II. Mechanotrans- duction in insect neurones. Nature 241: 286-288, 1973.
  • 46) Leahy, M.G., Vande Hey, R. and Galun, R. Assembly pheromones in the soft tick Argas persicus. Nature 246: 515-517, 1973.
  • 47) Avivi, A., Warburg, M. and Galun, R. Ecological studies on the cave tick Ornithodoros tholozani and its distribution in Israel. Israel J. Ent. 8: 109-129, 1973.
  • 48) Braverman, Y. and Galun, R. The medical and veterinary importance of the genus Culicoides. Refuah Veterinarit 30: 62-68, 1973.
  • 49) Braverman, Y. and Galun, R. The occurrence of Culicoides in Israel with reference to incidence of blue tongue. Refuah Veterinarit 30: 121-122, 1973.
  • 50) Eisen, J., Warburg, M. and Galun, R. Neurosecretory activity as related to feeding and oogensis in the fowl-tick Argas persicus. Gen. Comp. Endoc. 21: 331-340, 1973.
  • 51) Galun, R., Warburg, M. and Sternberg, S. The practical use of the sterility method for the control of soft ticks in: The sterile insect technique and its field application. IAEA, 21-26, 1974.
  • 52) Braverman, Y., Galun, R. and Ziv, M. Breeding sites of some Culicoides species in Israel. Mosquito News 34: 303-308. 1974.
  • 53) Galun, R. Sex pheromones of hard ticks. Proc. the 4th Int. Congr. Acarology, Saalfelden, 1974.
  • 54) Galun, R., Hillman, P., Parnas, I. and Werman, R. (Ed.), Sensory Physiology and Behaviour. Plenum Press, New York and London, 357, 1975.
  • 55) Galun, R. Behavioral aspects of chemoreception in blood sucking invertebrates, in: Galun, et al (Ed.), Sensory Physiology and Behaviour, 211-222, 1975.
  • 56) Galun, R. The role of host blood in the feeding behaviour of ecto-parasites. in: A. Zuckerman (Ed.), Dynamic Aspects of Host Parasite Relationships, Vol. 2, Wiley & Sons, New York, p. 131-163, 1975.
  • 57) Galun, R. Protection of livestock from tsetse flies bites by means of repellents. Pyrethrum Post 13: 2-4, 1975.
  • 58) Leahy, M.G., Karuhize, G., Mango, C. and Galun, R. An assembly pheromone and its perception in the tick Ornithodoros moubata. J. Med. Ent. 12: 284-287, 1975.
  • 59) Wood, W.F., Leahy, M.G., Galun, R., Meinwald, J., Purnell, R.E. and Payne, R.C. Phenols as sex pheromones of Ixodid ticks. A general phenomenon? J. Chem. Ecol. 1: 501-509.
  • 60) Leahy, M.G., Sternberg, S., Mango, C. and Galun, R. Lack of specificity of assembly pheromone in soft ticks. J. Med. Ent. 12: 413-414, 1975.
  • 61) Akov, S., Samish, M. and Galun, R. Blood digestion in the female tick Ornithodoros tholozani. Acta Tropica 33: 37-52, 1976.
  • 62) Mango, C., Odhiambo, T. and Galun, R. Ecdysone and the super tick. Nature 260, 318-319, 1976.
  • 63) Leahy, M.G., Galun, R., Purnell, R.E. and Payne, R.C. Attraction of male Rhipicephalus appendiculatus ticks to females in relation to feeding. Vet. Parasitol. 1: 249-256, 1976.
  • 64) Galun, R. Nonconventional control methods against arthropod vectors. Israel J. Med. Sci. 12: 269, 1976.
  • 65) Ishay, J., Gitter, S., Galun, R., Doron, M. and Laron, A. The presence of insulin and some effects of exogenous insulin on Hymenopteran tissues and body fluids. Comp. Biochem. Physiol. 54A: 203-206, 1976.
  • 66) Tahori, S. and Galun, R. The rise and fall of DDT. Israel J. Entomol. 11: 33-51, 1976.
  • 67) Galun, R. The physiology of hematophagous insects/animal host relationships. Proc. 15th Int. Congr. Entomol. 257-265, 1976.
  • 68) Galun, R. Responses of blood sucking arthropods to vertebrate host. in: Shorey, H.H. and McKelfey, J.J. (Ed.) Insect Behaviour, John Wiley & Sons, Interscience Publishers, 103-115, 1977.
  • 69) Mango, C. and Galun, R. Ornithodoros moubata: Breeding in vitro. Exp. Paras. 42: 282-288, 1977.
  • 70) Braverman, Y., Boreham, P.F.L., Galun, R. and Ziv, M. The origin of blood meals of biting midges and mosquitoes trapped in turkey runs in Israel. Rhod. J. Agric. Res. 15: 101-104, 1977.
  • 71) Mango, C.K.A. and Galun, R. Suitability of laboratory hosts for rearing of Ornithodoros moubata ticks (Acari: Argasidae). J. Med. Entomol. 14: 305-308, 1977.
  • 72) Galun, R. Role of hosts's skin and blood in feeding behaviour of soft ticks. World Assoc. Adv. Vet. Parasit. (W.A.A.V.P.), 8th Int. Conf., Sydney, Australia, 11-15 July 1977, Abstracts, T13, 1977.
  • 73) Galun, R. Investigaciones sobre las medidas alternatives de control de artropodos contra las plagas del ganado. In: Ecologia Y Control de los Parasitos Externos de Importancia Economica que Afectan et Ganado en Americo Latine, Publ. CIAT, Colombia, S.A., 177-184, 1977.
  • 74) Galun, R. Control de las plagas del ganado mediante reguladores del crecimiento del insecto. In: Ecologia Y Control de los Parasitos Externos de Importancia Economica que Afectan el Ganado en America Latina. Publ. CIAT, Colombia, S.A., 185-194, 1977.
  • 75) Galun, R. Quantification of feeding response. in: Quality Control, Ed. E.F. Boller and D.L. Chambers. Bulletin SROP, OILB, WPRS, 1977/5, 136-139, 1977.
  • 76) Galun, R. Componentes no insecticidas en el control integrado de plagas de Ganado. in: Seminario sobre plaquicidas y protecction del ambiente. Conferencias, Feb. 13-17, 1978, Bogota, Colombia, 136-138, 1978.
  • 77) Gothilf, S., Kehat, M., Jacobson, M. and Galun, R. Screen-ing pheromone analogues by EAG technique for biological activity on males of Earias insulana, Heliothis armigers, and Spodoptera littoralis. Env. Entomol. 7: 31-35, 1978.
  • 78) Galun, R. Regulation of feeding in the tick Ornithodoros tholozani. in: Wilde, J.K.H. (Ed.), Tick-borne Diseases and their Vectors. Univ. Edinburgh Centre for Tropical Veterinary Medicine 64-67, 1978.
  • 79) Galun, R., Sternberg, S. and Mango, C. Effects of host spectra on feeding behaviour and reproduction of soft ticks (Acari: Argasidae). Bull. Ent . Res. 68: 153-157, 1978.
  • 80) Gothilf, S., Kehat,H., Jacobson M. and Galun R. Sex attractants for male Heliothis armigera (Hbn). Experientia 34: 853, 1978.
  • 81) Galun, R., Gothilf, S. and Blondheim, S. The phagostimul- atory effects of protein hydrolysates and their role in the control of medflies. In: Organization Internation. de Lutte Biologique, Bull. SROP, WPRS 1977 2/1, 81-91, 1979.
  • 82) Galun, R. Combination of in vitro feeding techniques and tissue culture for study of arthropod-borne disease agents. In: Maramorosch, K. and Hirumi, H. (Ed.), Practical Tissue Culture Applications. Academic Press, N.Y., 399-408, 1979.
  • 83) Galun, R. Control of livestock pests by interference in their development. In: Zuckerman, A. (Ed.), Dynamic Aspects of Host-Parasite Relationship. Vol. II, Israel Universities Press, Jerusalem 189-203, 1979.
  • 84) Jenni, L., Molyneux, D.H., Livesey, J.L. and Galun, R. Feeding behaviour of tsetse flies infected with salivary trypanosomes. Nature 283: 383-385. 1980.
  • 85) Galun, R., Ben-Eliahu, M.N., Ben-Tamar, D. and Simkin, J. Long-term protection of animals from tsetse bites through controlled-release repellents. In: Isotope and Radiation Research on Animal Diseases and their Vectors. Int. Atomic Agency, Vienna, 207-218, 1980.
  • 86) Schlein, Y., Galun, R. and Ben-Eliahu, M.N. The legs of Musca domestica and Glossina morsitans females as the site of sex pheromone release. Experientia 36: 1174-1175, 1980.
  • 87) Galun, R., Nitzan, Y., Blondheim, S. and Gothilf, S. Responses of the Mediterranean fruitfly Ceratitis capitata to amino acids. In: Int. Cong. Ent. - Proc. Symp. Fruitfly Problems, pp. 55-63, 1980.
  • 88) Galun, R. The specificity of the feeding response in fleas and biological significance. In: The Fleas, Ed. R. Traub, Balkema, 323-328, 1980.
  • 89) Schlein, Y., Galun, R. and Ben-Eliahu, M. Abstinons-Male- produced deterrants of mating in flies. J. Chem. Ecol. 7: 285-289, 1981.
  • 90) Schlein, Y., Galun R. and Ben-Eliahu, M.N. Receptors of sex pheromones and abstinons in Musca domestica and Glossina morsitans. J. Chem. Ecol., 7: 291-303, 1981.
  • 91) Schlein, Y., Galun R. and Ben -Eliahu, M.N. Abstinons (Antiaphrodisia pheromones) and receptors for them in flies. Phytoparasitica 9: 80-81, 1981.
  • 92) Galun, R., Gothilf, S, Blondheim, S., and Lachman, A. Protein and sugar hunger in the Mediterranean Fruitfly Ceratitis capitata (Wied.) (Diptera: Tephritidea). In: "The determination of behaviour by chemical stimuli". IRL, London. pp. 245-252, 1981.
  • 93) Gothilf, S. and Galun, R. Olfactometer and trap for evaluating attractants for the Mediterranean Fruitfly Ceratitis capitata. Phytoparasitica 10, 1982.
  • 94) Obenchain, F. and Galun, R. (eds.) Physiology of Ticks. Pergamon Press, pp. 510, 1982.
  • 95) Simkin, J. and Galun, R. Microencapsulated natural pyrethruman improved insect repellent. In: D.L. Whitehead and W.S. Bowers (Eds.), Natural Products for Innovative Pest Management, Pergamon Press, 151-163. 1983.
  • 96) Galun, R. Chemical communication in the tick Ornithodoros tholozani. Nikrot Zurim (Hebrew) 8: 39-44.1984
  • 97) Schlein, Y. and Galun, R. Male housefly Musca domestica genital system as a source of mating pheromone. J. Ins. Phys. 30: 175-8, 1984.
  • 98) Waladde, S., Kokwaro, E., Galun, and Chimatwi, M. Tibial campaniform sensilla of Glossina morsitans. J. Ins. Phys. 30: 751-5, 1984.
  • 99) Schmalbach, A.E., Harpaz, S., Kahan, D., Galun, R. and Frankenberg, E. Periodic cheliped autotomy in the males of Malaysian prawn Macrobhrachium rosenbergii. Naturwiss. 71: 325-6, 1984.
  • 100) Galun, R.. Oren, N. and Zecharia, M. Effect of plasma components on the feeding response of the mosquito Aedes aegypti to adenine nucleotides. Phys. Ent. 9: 403-8, 1984.
  • 101) Galun, R., Koontz, L.C. and Gwadz, R.W. Engorgement response of anopheline mosquitoes to blood fractions and artificial solutions. Phys. Ent. 10: 145-9, 1985.
  • 102) Galun, R., Koontz, L.C. and Gwadz, R.W. Effect of ATP analogues on the goring response of Aedes aegypti. Phys. Ent. 10: 275-82, 1985.
  • 103) Nestel, D., Galun, R. and Friedman, S. Long term regulation of sucrose intake by the adult Mediterranean fruitfly Ceratitis capitata. J. Ins. Pys. 31: 533-6, 1985.
  • 104) Rigbi, A., Eldor, A., Galun, R., Ginsburg, I., Iraqui, F., Levy, H., Oren, M. and Tetelbaum, M. Leech saliva and salivary gland extract: A battery of factors to counteract hemostasis and leucocyte activity. Proc. Europ. Cong. Clin. Chem. Jerusalem 1985.
  • 105) Nestel D., Galun, R. and Friedman, S. Regulacion bioenergetica del adulto de la Moscas de la Frutas del Mediterraneo. XX Congress Nac. de Entomologia, Sociedad Mexicana de Ent. 96-97, 1985.
  • 106) Otieno, D.A., Hassanali, A., Obenchain, F.D., Sternberg, S. and Galun, R. Identification of guanine as an assembly pheromone of ticks. Ins. Sci. 6: 667-670, 1985.
  • 107) Galun, R., Gothilf, S., Blondheim, S., Sharp, J.L., Mazor, M. and Lachman. A. A comparison of aggregation and feeding responses by normal and irradiated fruit flies, Ceratitis capitata and Anastrepha suspensa. Env. Ent. 14: 726-32. 1985.
  • 108) Galun, R. Diversity of phagostimulants used for recognition of blood meal by hemtophagous arthropods. In: Host Regulated Developmental Mechanisms in Vector Arthropods. Eds. Borovsky, D. and Spielman A. 142-145, 1986.
  • 109) Galun, R. Regulation of blood gorging, 1st International conference of Tropical Entomology, Nairobi, 1986.
  • 110) Mango, C.K., Odhiambo, T.R.. Obenschain, F., Galun, R. The biology of supermoulted female tick Ornithodoros porcinus porcinus. Insect Sci. Applic. 7: 123-138. 1986.
  • 111) Rigbi, M., Galun, R., Orevi, M., Alajoutsijarvi, A., Iraqi, F., Teitelbaum, M., Eldor, A. and Levy, H. Factors in Leech saliva and salivary gland extracts which counteract hemostasis and leukocyte activity. J. Cell Biochem. Suppl. 1: 253, 1986.
  • 112) Nestel, D., Galun, R. and Friedman. S. Balance energetico on el adulto irradiado de Ceratitis capitata (Wied.) (Diptera: Tephritidae). Folie Entomologica Mexicana 70: 75-85, 1986.
  • 113) Mumcuoglu, Y.K., Galun, R. and Ikan, R. The aggregartion response of human body lice (Pediculus humanus) (Insecta: Anoplura) to its excretory products. Insect Sci. Appl. 7: 629-632, 1986.
  • 114) Yuval, B. and Galun, R. Aspects of compound conditioning to gustatory stimuli in the housefly Musca domestica L. J. Insect Physiol. 33: 159-169, 1987.
  • 115) Mazor, M., Gothilf, S. and Galun, R. The role of ammonia in the attraction of females of the Mediterranean fruit fly to protein hydrolysate baits. Entomol. Exp. App. 43: 25-29, 1987.
  • 116) Harpaz, S. Kahan, D. and Galun, R. Variability in feeding behaviour of the Malaysian prawn Macrobranchium rosenbergii (De-man) during the molt cycle (Decapoda: Caridea). Crustaceana 52: 53-60, 1987.
  • 117) Mumcuoglu, Y.K. and Galun, R. Engorgement response of human body lice (Pediculus humanus) (Insecta: Anoplura) to blood fractions and their components. Phys. Ent. 12: 171-174, 1987.
  • 118) Rigbi, M., Levy, H., Iraqi, F., Teitelbaum, M., Orevi, M., Alajoutsuarvi, A., Horowitz, A. and Galun, R. The saliva of the medicinal leech Hirudo medicinalis. I. Biochemical characterization of the high molecular weight fraction. Comp. Biochem. Physiol. 87c: 567-73, 1987.
  • 119) Rigbi, M., Levy, H., Eldor, A., Iraqi, F., Teitelbaum, M., Orevi, M., Horowitz, A. and Galun, R. The saliva of the medicinal leech Hirudo medicinalis. II. Inhibition of platelet aggregation and of leukocyte activity and examination of reputed anesthetic effects. Comp. Biochem. Physiol. 88c: 95-98, 1987.
  • 120) Galun, R. Regulation of blood gorging. Ins. Sci. Appl. 8: 623-625, 1987.
  • 121) Harpaz, S., Kahan, D., Galun, R., Moore, J. Responses of freshwater prawn, Macrobrachium rosenbergii, to chemical attractants. J. Chem. Ecol. 13: 1957-1965, 1987.
  • 122) Galun, R. The evolution of purinergic receptors involved in recognition of a blood meal of hematophagous insects. Mem. Inst. Oswaldo Cruz, Rio de Janeiro, Vol. 82: Suppl. III, 5-9, 1987.
  • 123) Nudelman, S., Galun, R., Kitron, U., Spielman, A. Physiological characteristics of Culex pipiens populations in the Middle East. Med. Vet. Ent. 2: 161-169, 1988.
  • 124) Galun, R., Friend, W.G., Nudelman, S. Purinergic reception by culicine mosquitoes. J. Comp. Physiol. A163: 665-670, 1988.
  • 125) Galun, R. Recognition of very low concentrations of ATP by Glossina tachinoides Westwood, Experientia 44: 800 1988.
  • 126) Galun, R., Kabayo, J.P. Gorging response of Glossina palpalis to ATP analogues. Phys. Ent. 13: 419-423, 1988.
  • 127) Galun,R. Phagostimulation of the Mediterranean fruit fly Ceratitis capitata by ribonucleotides and related compounds. Entomol. Exp. Appl. 50: 133-139, 1989.
  • 128) Hassanali, A., Nyandat, E., Obenschain, F.A., Otieno, D.A. and Galun, R. Humidity effects on response of Argas persicus (Oken) to guanine, an assembly pheromone of ticks, J. Chem. Ecol. 15: 791-797, 1989.
  • 129) Mumcuoglu, K.Y., Miller, J., Rosen, L.J. and Galun, R. Systemic activity of ivermectin on the human body louse (Anoplura: Pediculidae). J. Med.Ent. 27: 72-75, 1990.
  • 130) Mumcuoglu, K.Y., Miller, J. and Galun, R. Susceptibility of the human head and body louse, Pediculus humanus (Anoplura:Pediculidae) to insecticides. Insect Sci. Applic. 11: 223-226, 1990.
  • 131) Mumcuoglu, K.Y., Frish, K, Galun, R., Sarov, B., Manor, E., Gross, E. Ecological and Epidemological Studies on Mediterranean Spotted Fever in the Negev Desert of Israel. The Vir. J. of Sci. 41: 159-160, 1990.
  • 132) Galun, R. and Vardimon-Friedman, H. Gorging Response of the Mosquito, Culex univittatus, to Adenine Nucleotides. Naturwissenchaften, 79: 519-520, 1992.
  • 133) Warburg, I. and Galun, R. Ingestion of sucrose solutions by the meditterranean fruit fly Ceratitis capitata (Wied.). J. Insect Physiol., 38: 969-972, 1992.
  • 134) Mumcuoglu, K.Y., Frish, K., Sarov, B., Manor, E., Gross, E., Gat, Z., Galun, R. Ecological Studies on the Brown Dog Tick Rhipicephalus sanguineus (Acari: Ixodidae) in Southern Israel and its Relationship to Spotted Fever Group Rickettsiae. J. Med. Entom. 30: 114-121, 1993.
  • 135) Liscia, A., Crnjar, R., Barbarossa, I.T., Esu, S., Muroni, P., Galun, R. Electrophysiological Responses of Labral Apical Chemoreceptors to Adenine Nucleotides in Culex pipiens. J. Insect Physiol. 39: pp 261-265, 1993.
  • 136) Galun, R., Vardimon-Friedman, H. and Frankenburg S. Gorging Response of Culicine Mosquitoes (Diptera: Culicidae) to Blood Fractions. J. Med. Entom. 30: 513-517. 1993
  • 137) Ben-Yakir, D. and Galun, R. Comparative study of two argasid tick species: Feeding response to phagostimulants. Isr. J. Zool. 30: 169-176. 1993
  • 138) Galun, R. Can we interefere with blood-gorging by blocking gustatory receptors that recognize phagostimulants? Proc. First Int. Cong. Vec. Ecol. San Diego, 48. 1993.
  • 139) Weiss, M., Glazer I., Mumcuoglu, K.Y., Elking, Y. and Galun R. Infectivity of steinernematid and heterorhabditid nematodes for the human body louse Pediculus humanus humanus. Fundam. appl. Nematol. 16: 489-493 1993.
  • 140) Ben-Yakir, D., Mumcuoglu, Y., Manor, O., Ochanda, J. and Galun, R. Immunization of rabbits with a midgut extract of the human body louse Pedicudus humanus humanus: the effect of induced resistance on the loue population. Medical and Veterinary Entomology 8. 114-118. 1994.
  • 141) Mumcuoglu, K.Y., J. Hemingway, J. Miller, I. Ioffe-Uspensky, S. Klaus, F. Ben-Ishai & R. Galun. Permethrin resistance in the head louse Pediculus capitis from Israel. Med. Vet. Entomol. 9:427-432. 1995.
  • 142) Ochanda, J.O., K.Y. Mumcuoglu, D. Ben-Yakir, J.K. Okuru, V.O. Oduol & R. Galun.. Characterization of body louse midgut proteins recognized by resistant hosts. Med. Vet. Entomol. 10:35-38. 1996
  • 143) Mumcuoglu, K.Y., D. Ben-Yakir, S. Gunzberg, J.O. Ochanda & R. Galun. Immunogenic proteins in the body and faecal material of the human body louse, Pediculus humanus humanus, and their homology to antigens of other lice species. Vet. Med. Entomol. 10:105-107. 1996.
  • 144) Mumcuoglu, K.Y., E. Rahamim, D. Ben-Yakir, J.O. Ochanda & R. Galun. Localization of immunogenic antigens on the midgut of the human body louse Pediculus humanus humanus (Anoplura: Pediculidae). J. Med. Entomol. 33: 74-77. 1996.
  • 145) Mumcuoglu, K.Y., R. Galun, U. Bach, J. Miller & S. Magdassi. Repellency of essential oils and their components to the human body louse, Pediculus humanus humanus (Anoplura: Pediculidae). Entomol. Exp. Appl. 78: 309-314. 1996.
  • 146) Mumcuoglu, K.Y., R. Galun, Y. Kaminchik, A. Panet & A. Levanon. Antihemostatic activity in salivary glands of the human body louse, Pediculus humanus humanus (Anoplura: Pediculidae). J. Insect Physiol. 42: 1083-1087. 1996.
  • 147) Guberman, D., K.Y. Mumcuoglu, A. Keysari, I. Ioffe-Uspensky, J. Miller & R. Galun. Prevalence of spotted fever group rickettsiae in ticks from Southern Israel. J. Med. Entomol. 33:979-982. 1996.
  • 148) Ioffe-Uspensky, I., K.Y. Mumcuoglu, I. Uspensky & R.Galun. Rhipicephalus sanguineus and Rhipicephalus turanicus (Acari:Ixodidae): Closely related species with different biological characteristics. J. Med. Entomol. 34: 74-81. 1997.
  • 149) Mumcuoglu, K.Y., M. Lipo, I. Ioffe-Uspensky, J. Miller, I. Turkeltaub & R. Galun. Maggot therapy for the treatment of gangrene and osteomyelitis. Harefuah 132: 323-325. 1997.
  • 150) Mumcuoglu, K.Y., D. Ben-Yakir, J.O. Ochanda, J. Miller & R. Galun. Immunization of rabbits with faecal extract of Pediculus humanus, the human body louse: effects on louse development and reproduction. Med. Vet. Entomol. 11: 315-318. 1997.
  • 151) Ochanda, J.O., E.A.C. Oduor, R. Galun, M.O. Imbuga, D. Ben-Yakir, & K.Y. Mumcuoglu. Partial characterization and post-feeding activity of midgut aminopeptidase in the human body louse, Pediculus humanus humanus. Psysiol. Entomol. 23:382-387. 1998.
  • 152.) Mumcuoglu, K.Y., A. Ingber, L. Gilead, J. Stessman, R. Friedman, H. Schulman, H. Bichucher, I. Ioffe-Uspensky, J. Miller, R. Galun & I. Raz. Maggot therapy for the treatment of diabetic foot ulcers. Diabetes Care, 21: 2030-2031. 1998.
  • 153) Uspensky, I., I. Ioffe-Uspensky, K.Y. Mumcuoglu & R. Galun.. Body weight characteristics of some ixodid ticks: Reflecting adaptations to conditions of their habitats. In: Ecology and Evolution of the Acari. J. Bruin, L.P.S. van der Geest & M.W. Sabelis (eds.), pp. 657-665, Kluwer, the Netherlands. 1999
  • 154) Mumcuoglu, K.Y., A. Ingber, L. Gilead, J. Stessman, R. Friedmann, H. Schulman, H. Bichucher, I. Ioffe-Uspensky, J. Miller, R. Galun & I. Raz. Maggot therapy for the treatment of intractable wounds. Intnl. J. Dermatol. 8: 623-627. 1999.
  • 155) Werner-Reiss, U., ., Galun, B., Crnjar, R. and Liscia, A., Factors modulating the blood feeding behavior and the electrophysiological responses of labral apical chemoreceptors to adenine nucleotides in the mosquito Aedes aegypti (Culicidae). J.Ins. Phys. 45: 485-491. 1999.
  • 156) Werner-Reiss, U., R. Galun, R. Crnjar and A. Liscia. Sensitivity of the mosquito Aedes aegypti (Culicidae) labral apical chemoreceptors to phagostimulants. J.Ins. Phys. 45: 629-636. 1999.
  • 157) Werner-Reiss, U., R. Galun, R. Crnjar and A. Liscia. Sensitivity of the mosquito Aedes aegypti (Culicidae) labral apical chemoreceptors to blood plasma components. J.Ins. Phys. 45: 801-808. 1999.
  • 158) Ochanda, J.O., E.A.C. Oduor, R. Galun, M.O. Imbuta & K.Y. Mumcuoglu. Partial purification of the aminopeptidase from the midgut of the human body louse, Pediculus humanus humanus. Physiol. Entomol. 25: 242-246. 2000.
  • 159) Mumcuoglu, K.Y., I. Ioffe-Uspensky, S. Alkrinawi, B. Sarov, E. Manor & R. Galun. Prevalence of vectors of the spotted fever group rickettsiae and murine typhus in a Bedouin town in Israel. J. Med. Entomol. 38: 458-461. 2001.
  • 160) Galun, R. and Ole-MoiYoi, O.K. Thomas Risley Odhiambo (1931-2003). Nature 425: 142, 2003.
  • 161) Galun, R. Thomas Risley Odhiambo (1931-2003): an appreciation. Intern. J. Trop. Med. Insect Sci. 24: 122-124, 2004.
  • 162) Israely, N., Ziv, Y. and Galun, R. Metapopulation spatial-temporal distribution patterns of Mediterranean fruit fly (Diptera: Tephritidae) in a patchy environment. Ann. Entomol. Soc. Am. 98: 302-308, 2005.
  • 163) Mumcuoglu K.Y., Banet-Noach, C., Malkinson, M., Shalom, U. and Galun, R. Argasid ticks as possible vectors of West Nile virus in Israel. Vector Borne Zoonot. Dis. 5: 65-71, 2005.
  • 164) Ioffe-Uspensky, I., I. Uspensky, K.Y. Mumcuoglu & R. Galun. Rhipicephalus sanguineus and R. turanicus (Acari: Ixodidae): Numerical indices for distinguishing between adults of closely related species in Israel. Proceedings of the 5th International Conferences on Ticks and Tick-Borne Pathogens, University of Neuchatel, Switzerland, August 29-September 2, 2005, p. 171-175, 2005.
